For such a time as this

I meant to post this a week ago, as we were heading into a week of contentious midterm elections, but I believe this message is just as relevant as it was a week earlier:

“If we have no peace, it is because we have forgotten that we belong to each other”

-Mother Teresa

Words are powerful. I have been doing some reflecting this past month on the words in songs that have really carried me this past year and decided I wanted to share a few of my favorites. All of the artists I have chosen have come out with work within the past 2 years that has really spoken to the narrative of where we are at right now as a country and what seems to be on our national consciousness at this moment.  In the wake of the Kavanaugh hearings and in the aftermath of the Tree of Life synagogue mass shooting, it is easy to feel defeated, or at the very least lost and searching for answers. Searching it turns out can be a good place to be when you have others alongside of you seeking out the light in the darkness together. Here we are searching for answers, comforting each other in the face of trauma, reaching across our religious and political differences to stand up against hatred and bigotry, and re-learning what it means to be a part of a democracy where we constantly need to be reminded that “we all belong”–even if some decide otherwise.

Below I am sharing a few songs that speak to the powerful messages of love, acceptance and solidarity.  One of the artists that has been on my playlist, Chastity Brown, has a truly incredible story behind her latest song, “Mad Love”. Click here to read the full story behind it.

Here’s a few of those powerful songs that have been on my playlist recently:

Lovers & Fighters by Eileen and the In-Betweens

Mad Love by Chastity Brown

Shame, Shame, Shame by Lake Street Dive

Take good care, friends!

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